India’s first Odia AI news anchor introduced by Odisha TV

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Odisha TV, a regional TV channel in India achieves a milestone by introducing the countries first Odia AI news anchor, Lisa. Odisha TV held a conference on 9th of July where they introduced the world to Lisa. Lisa’s introduction to the world marks an astounding achievement in the world of TV broadcasting and digital journalism.

Odisha TV shared a video of the event on Twitter where Lisa introduced herself confidently and showed much enthusiasm. The news channel also notified that Lisa will be presenting news updates often exhibiting her talents. Although Lisa can speak multiple languages but for the time being, she will be presenting news in Odia and English for OTV’s network television and digital platforms.

OTV introducing Lisa to the world in their Twitter

Development challenges of the AI news anchor

OTV also shared the difficulty in training Lisa in the Odia language but efforts are being taken on further enhancing the its capabilities. The main objective is to develop Lisa’s interactive skills which will enable seamless communication with others. Lisa also has various social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram and the TV station encouraged people to interact with Lisa on these platforms.

Litisha Mangat Panda, OTV’s digital business head boasted that “Not even Google can translate Odia to English properly”. She also expressed that it was an exhausting experience and was only possible through team effort. She also explained that the AI news anchor isn’t as fluent as you might think, but its better than what Google translate offers.


The introduction of Lisa as the regional new anchor, has open the door to a new realm of possibilities in the media industry. The new chapter in the world of news presentation was opened. This unveiling is much similar to India Today Group’s introduction to Sona, another AI news anchor. Sona also boasted multiple language proficiency and was described as “bring, gorgeous, ageless, and tireless”.

Although there’s a long way to go, but in time the Odia AI news anchor will become more and more powerful as the team behind Lisa is working hard. We will be covering more on this topic as more information becomes available. So, stay connected with us.

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